ClientBase & Trams Back Office Consulting

Ken Jonker

Name: Ken Jonker
Address: 10564 E. Raintree Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Phone Number: +1 (480) 513-0703
Mobile Number: +1 (480) 250-9209
Email Ken  
Website URL:  

Description of Services:

Executive Consulting – Trams Products

  • Organize data in Trams products to manage business operations.
  • Assist in using all the tools available within Trams to utilize systems efficiently
  • Optimize the use of ClientBase CRM Data – Dashboards etc.
  • Maximize the use of Trams products to leverage supplier relationships.
  • Use external systems to manipulate and mine an agency's data –Crystal Reports and SQL
  • Interface Trams data with other systems
  • Target marketing with ClientBase.

Background or History:

For the past 15 years at Trams (Sabre), managed sales activities and participated in the design of ClientBase, Trams BackOffice and CB Marketing Services. In this capacity have assisted many Tams members with many issues with Trams products. Have also been very instrumental in seeing that features have been added to Trams products that all of us wanted and use today. I am a strong proponent of looking into the future using the data at our finger tips.

Prior to joining Trams, owned a travel agency in Silicon Valley which grew to over 25 M in sales before it was sold. Prior to entry into the travel industry, I was a CFO with various companies in the San Francisco Bay area.. I am a CPA and spent a number of years in the systems consulting area of a leading international CPA firm.

Contact Ken